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Past winners of Radiant Vision Awards: Department of Civil and National Registration, Botswana for ID-M (left), National Registration Department, Malaysia for MyKad (right)

The Radiant Vision Award recognises forward thinking ideas that have led to significant innovations in how national identity management schemes are planned, designed, developed or deployed.

Evaluation criteria for the Radiant Vision Award
  • Vision and forward thinking
  • Imagination and creativity
  • Quantum leap in public sector identity services
  • Impact on the electronic identity ecosystem
  • Benefits delivered to citizens and residents
For further details and the marking scheme please visit AWARD CATEGORIES on the Radiant Awards website.

Why enter the Radiant Awards
The Radiant Awards is the only industry awards focused specifically on government identity systems and the only joint award presented to government authorities and their technology partners.

The Radiant Vision Award recognises both the thought leadership of government as well as the achievements of solution providers that brought their vision to reality.

Get recognized!
ALL shortlisted Radiant Awards entrants will be announced and promoted in the run-up to the Radiant Awards Ceremony, which will be held on 12 December in Bangkok during the 5th Border Management & Identity Conference.

Here are just a few examples of Government projects that could be eligible for consideration if they meet the evaluation criteria.

- National population registers
- Civil registration & vital statistics
- Enrollment and registration systems
- Border management and facilitation
- Digital identity for eHealth platforms
- Social security and assistance systems
- Citizens national identity credentials
- International and regional ID systems
- Digital identity for financial inclusion
- Identity to improve government efficiency
- Electoral systems to support democracy
- Identity in law enforcement and security

Become a Headline Sponsor
As the only industry awards focused on government identity and border management, the Radiant Awards offers unique exposure to customers. Promote your company, your brand and your solutions to a captive audience of identity authorities at a relaxed and elegant industry awards. The Radiant Awards has high profile corporate sponsor opportunities which extend throughout the marketing campaign, collaterals, and the Radiant Awards presentation dinner and ceremony.

Contact Veronica Ribeiro, APSCA at [email protected] or at +86 15216763438 to find out more.

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